Memoirs of a Serpent’s Head Bruiser

I could never fully explain what I felt looking out for the first time since September 11, 2001 over the rail blocking the remains from the twin towers….

Looking out over the rail at what had once been the proud trophy of this city, I could see and hear in my thoughts the pain, anguish, fear, and bewilderment of those who could not survive. I was moved but not sorrowful. Certainly, those who mourned could not be comforted and those who lost loved ones could only ask why. I knew the answer and it was not pleasant. No one wants to hear it, but I must declare it.

A day of mourning was declared by those who would build a nation of people for whom this judgment was meet. Standing over that huge open crater on a brisk September morning in New York City, one could not help but imagine the lost lives and broken dreams left behind here. Lives cut short, parents, sons, and daughters lost in the rubble of the terrible event. It was September 2004 and I had not been here for 20 years. Looking out, I was haunted by the tears and cries of the loss and grieving while I felt some responsibility for this great loss because of the words I had spoken in prophecy on that cold December day so long ago.

Over twenty years ago. I remembered the words. “You’re coming down.” And then later, “One day when you have your feet up…” And then it came to this! I could not help but weep over this hallowed site.

I had felt it in 1983. That’s why I didn’t have to feel it now. I had been immunized. Lamentations had already been uttered. I had suffered in another time, another world, what people would suffer in this generation. I have survived while these didn’t because I was sent with an unpleasant message that was not heard. These kicked against it, rejected it, cursed it, and I endured it for a generation.

I missed the 1980s. When I say that I missed it, I don’t mean that I would like to live in them again. I mean that I was not aware of what was happening in the 80s. The church where I found and studied about God preached against watching television. They preached against television on television. What a paradox! We didn’t listen to the radio. I didn’t read newspapers. I really didn’t do much of anything. I didn’t work (except for work in the ministry). I spent most of my time in prayer and fasting and communication with the saints. Mostly I was alone with my God, who really took good care of me. So much of my life disappeared during that time. My father died. My mother was taken away from me by Alzheimer’s disease and decisions made by my brother and sister.

But I had Jesus, the Rock of my Salvation, who comforted me throughout those times. He was my provider, my defender and my guide. Until January 1, 1990, when he told me it was time for me to go to work. He had a job for me, a special job, he said, judges in the Federal Building.

This is a story about the Jesus name power and his blood to advance against all the power of Satan in the earth. This a story about power and deliverance. The devil’s purpose is to steal, kill and destroy, but Jesus came to destroy all the power of Satan. And the only power that Satan has is to deceive people who refuse to acknowledge that truth that is in Jesus. He works by diverting their imaginations from God’s great glory to things that try to work against God. He tries to convince you that who you are, what you’ve done or where you’ve been disqualify you from becoming a child in the family of God or that God is not worthy of your love and devotion. He tries to steal your righteousness, peace and joy so that you are unable to serve God.

So let us go back to the beginning.

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