Available books

Memoirs of a Serpent’s Head Bruiser

This is a story about the Jesus name power and his blood to advance against all the power of Satan in the earth.

Beast Mark

Uncover the Mysteries The Mystery of the Kingdom of God Mark 4:11 The Mystery of the First Covenant Romans 11:25. The Mystery of the Gospel Romans 16:25

The Everlasting Gospel of Jesus

He said, “I was the one who was on the cross.” And so began the wonderful experience of interviewing Jesus and hearing his story.

Melchisedec's Order

We have many things to say but they are hard to utter and you are dull of hearing. There is so much to say about this great man, but you can’t hear it.

L'évangile éternel de Jésus (French Edition)

Beaucoup de gens ont entendu parler de l'Évangile de Jésus-Christ et en ont écouté une version prêchée.

Memoiresd'un Meutrier A Tete De Serpent (French Edition)

Voici une histoire sur le pouvoir du nom de Jésus et de son sang pour avancer contre toute la puissance de Satan sur la terre.

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